

The first edition of TEDxYouth@DPSMIS took place on the 27th of December 2015. It was conducted by the initiative of Meenakshi Sethupathy, the Lead Organiser.
Registration took place at 2:00 pm- 3:00 pm in the “Black-out room” aka the entrance to the auditorium. The Black-out room was lit up with red spotlights and had a gigantic Idea Wall where guests would write their own ideas on the wall. The Idea Wall was the brain child of the Designer of this event, Smruthi Sri. She put up an elaborate wall that could be filled with ideas and comments written on post its by the guests at the event.
The event was hosted by our own Head Boy Amarnath Krishna and Head Girl Saumya Singh. The event began with a short video explaining the non-profit organization TED and how it conducts TEDx events around the world.
The theme of the event was The Power of Uncertainty, how everything in life is uncertain and how to deal with these uncertainties. The aim of the event was to make people embrace uncertainty, not knowing something makes us strive for answers. It gives us the motivation to evolve as a species. If we could truly know everything then the world would be a boring place.
The event began with the first speaker, Mr Abhipray Sahoo and the audience welcomed him with a round of applause. Mr Sahoo is a recent graduate of Rice University (Class of 2015) and he is currently working as a hardware engineer at a neuroscience start-up, NeoSensory. He also did a four-month internship at Google.