
Class Career Guidance


Our goal is to help students find, and get into the ideal college for them. We view the college preparation period as a time for skill-set development. Specifically, we help to prepare students for the academic demands of college, to assist students in gaining practical experience exposing the students to additional academic and extracurricular areas in order to ameliorate any potential weaknesses.

Firstly, the college admissions process is essentially an exercise in students marketing themselves to colleges. Secondly, we firmly believes that students should have the opportunity to learn about different careers and explore their interests before their significant investment in University/college begins. The Academic Counselor provides advice on any college admissions topic, including how students can meet their college admission goals, finding the perfect college for each student, strategizing how to get into students’ top-choice schools, brainstorming and editing college application essays, college interview preparation, and more




    • Students apply in prescribed form available on the school website under the heading ‘Application for support documents-Class XII’.
    • Principal ma’am approves the request.
    • Respective teachers and the University Admission Counsellor whose recommendations are required are notified.
    • Academic counselor files the form and then processes the requests by preparing the following
  • Transcripts (9 &10)
  • Transcripts (11 & 12)
  • Predicted scores for the Board exams
  • Academic Counselor’s recommendation
  • Academic counselor receives and verifies the recommendation letters from subject
  • The prepared support documents are send for printing on school letterheads which is duly signed by the Principal, Academic Counselor and the respective teachers accordingly.
  • The receptionist releases these documents and files a Xerox copy of the same duly signed by the receiver as an evidence.
  • Academic Counselor proceeds to further fulfill the extra requests made by the students like filling in the on-line application forms and sending them the copies of the support documents either electronically or by post to the
    Universities for which the students have applied for.



  • Planning a budget beforehand to relieve yourself from the last minute headaches. It will also help you to avoid unnecessary application fillings. Food,living expenses, tuition, and medical fees
  • Only depending on scholarship is not a good idea, although you can set them on priority but applying to study abroad into the programs that you can afford even without scholarship will be much safer for you to expect.
  • No need to waste time, start in advance. Filing an application is way more hectic and lengthy than it looks. Starting beforehand with more time in hand is always a good idea.
  • Keep your references ready. Inform your teachers, counselor, and employer before even applying so that you will have your references aligned well on time.
  • Take the help of experts from study abroad organizations. Will make things easier for you. They have expertise in the area you need the most and can ease the task for you on such a productive
  • Writing a good essay is key. Your writing should reflect your dedication and willingness to be in that specific program. It also makes it easier for the respective university to make their decision based on your passion.
  • Better late than wrong! It’s okay to take some time and figure out what you actually want to do and what you want to avail, rather than getting stuck into something that was clearly not your call.



Countries like Australia, Canada, UK, USA and emerging destinations like Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand, Ukraine, Amsterdam and Germany offer lots of options for further education. The best thing about foreign universities is that they have multiple academic streams and each student is assessed individually. For instance to study overseas, they will consider the level of education you want to pursue, match it with your profile and in some cases may suggest a foundation route to your degree as in some UK universities for Medicine and other courses.



Avoid making decision based on rhetoric or sweeping statements by clueless people. Studying abroad is a big decision and one must take into account all sorts of things like your grades, your interest, budget, your future plans and then go about shortlisting destination. You should look at destination city, university, cost of living and part-time jobs when choosing destination to study.Before choosing a destination take into account your own grades, budget, your future plans and then shortlist the universities and destination accordingly.


Then comes your academic interests, university rankings and career goals. Once you have done the match making, it is now time to research specific courses, subjects and options for internships or work placements. For instance if you are planning to a degree in Engineering, which field of engineering and why, do explore emerging fields like mechatronics. Same is the case with computer science which is a broad based degree as compared to gaming or telecommunications which are more subject focused.Finally apply to at least 6 to 9 universities which fits your aforementioned criteria. They can be in different countries also but better to decide on not more than two prospective destinations.


Always contact university’s in-country official representative to get current information on scholarships, entry criteria and seek their assistance as they get your offers much faster than doing it on your own. They know the requirements much better than anyone else. The universities fee also vary, there are some cheaper universities or even online offering more flexible entry criteria.




Countries like Australia, Canada, UK, USA and emerging destinations like Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand, Ukraine, Amsterdam and Germany offer lots of options for further education. The best thing about foreign universities is that they have multiple academic streams and each student is assessed individually. For instance to study overseas, they will consider the level of education you want to pursue, match it with your profile and in some cases may suggest a foundation route to your degree as in some UK universities for Medicine and other courses.



Avoid making decision based on rhetoric or sweeping statements by clueless people. Studying abroad is a big decision and one must take into account all sorts of things like your grades, your interest, budget, your future plans and then go about shortlisting destination. You should look at destination city, university, cost of living and part-time jobs when choosing destination to study.Before choosing a destination take into account your own grades, budget, your future plans and then shortlist the universities and destination accordingly.


Then comes your academic interests, university rankings and career goals. Once you have done the match making, it is now time to research specific courses, subjects and options for internships or work placements. For instance if you are planning to a degree in Engineering, which field of engineering and why, do explore emerging fields like mechatronics. Same is the case with computer science which is a broad based degree as compared to gaming or telecommunications which are more subject focused.Finally apply to at least 6 to 9 universities which fits your aforementioned criteria. They can be in different countries also but better to decide on not more than two prospective destinations.


Always contact university’s in-country official representative to get current information on scholarships, entry criteria and seek their assistance as they get your offers much faster than doing it on your own. They know the requirements much better than anyone else. The universities fee also vary, there are some cheaper universities or even online offering more flexible entry criteria.




Countries like Australia, Canada, UK, USA and emerging destinations like Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand, Ukraine, Amsterdam and Germany offer lots of options for further education. The best thing about foreign universities is that they have multiple academic streams and each student is assessed individually. For instance to study overseas, they will consider the level of education you want to pursue, match it with your profile and in some cases may suggest a foundation route to your degree as in some UK universities for Medicine and other courses.



Avoid making decision based on rhetoric or sweeping statements by clueless people. Studying abroad is a big decision and one must take into account all sorts of things like your grades, your interest, budget, your future plans and then go about shortlisting destination. You should look at destination city, university, cost of living and part-time jobs when choosing destination to study.Before choosing a destination take into account your own grades, budget, your future plans and then shortlist the universities and destination accordingly.


Then comes your academic interests, university rankings and career goals. Once you have done the match making, it is now time to research specific courses, subjects and options for internships or work placements. For instance if you are planning to a degree in Engineering, which field of engineering and why, do explore emerging fields like mechatronics. Same is the case with computer science which is a broad based degree as compared to gaming or telecommunications which are more subject focused.Finally apply to at least 6 to 9 universities which fits your aforementioned criteria. They can be in different countries also but better to decide on not more than two prospective destinations.


Always contact university’s in-country official representative to get current information on scholarships, entry criteria and seek their assistance as they get your offers much faster than doing it on your own. They know the requirements much better than anyone else. The universities fee also vary, there are some cheaper universities or even online offering more flexible entry criteria.