
School Policies


Dear Parent,
Subject : Students Code of Conduct / Evaluation / Cyber Safety Policy.

The school has always appreciated the support that you have extended to us for bringing about a holistic development in our children. As you will agree, the process is a continual one, and so we seek your cooperation in this regard.

The disciplined nature of our children has always been rated at a higher scale by external agencies like the QNSA. It has been made mandatory by the MOE that all policies should be read thoroughly by all stakeholders and signed thereon.

We would hereby advise you to go through the Behaviour policy, the Social Media policy and the Evaluation policy and sign the letter of undertaking for the same.

We are sure that we can collectively make a difference in the lives of our children and make them exclusive citizens of this world.


Asna Nafees




DPS-MIS is a school with a difference, and this difference is evident in every activity undertaken and carried out in this educational institution. When it comes to discipline of the students, we emphasize on the ‘holistic development’ of the students, as stated in the ‘Vision’ of our school, by inculcating values that enable them to excel in their life. We realise that it is difficult and less effective to ‘control’ student behaviour, but more effective to influence their choices by building positive relationships (for e.g. catching them being good, setting clear agendas, holding high expectations, working on the self-fulfilling vision). The Student Behaviour Framework provides a basic outline to help the students follow the code of conduct and the discipline policies of the school and to help them achieve important behaviour changes.

  • To provide a clear guideline about the expected student behaviour for the practice of the teachers, staff, students, and parents.
  • To establish a climate in which appropriate behaviour is the norm.
  • To create a positive school climate, a culture of student competence and an open and responsive management system for all school community members.
  • To provide an effective framework for the individual behaviour and learning supports needed to achieve academic and social success for all students.
  • To encourage consistency and allow flexibility in the practice of teachers, learning assistants and other staff.
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  • A student must carry his/her almanac to school every day. A student should affix his/her photograph and fill in the required information, duly signed by a parent, in the space provided for in the almanac.
  • Students who come to school on their own should reach the school before School timings.
  • Students are not allowed to bring mobile phone to school. It they do so, it will be confiscated.
  • Changing of classrooms between periods should be done in an orderly manner and silently. Students should not unnecessarily leave their class at the end of every period.
  • Students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed. The school uniform should be worn on all working days and for all school programmes. Students who are slovenly dressed or not in uniform will be sent home. Use of hair gel & wearing low waist trousers are discouraged.
  • Lending or borrowing of money or other articles is not allowed.
  • Students who come to school escorted should never leave before the escort arrives. In case of delay, they should report to the school office.
  • Parents and guardians may meet the teachers during the specified time.
  • Students are not allowed to use the school telephone without the permission of the Receptionist. They will not be called to answer phone calls during class hours.
  • Office Bearers will wear their respective badges daily.
  • Students using the school bus will maintain discipline in the bus.
  • The school insists on the following measures to be observed by the members of staff and all students. Care must be taken to observe the “green rules” in order to maintain clean, green surroundings. If polythene bags are brought to school, care should be taken to dispose them off in the right bin. Minimal use of polythene bags will be appreciated.
  • Do not spoil or pluck flowers
  • Students are advised to throw leftovers into the dustbins in order to keep their class room, school building and campus as clean as possible.
  • It is not advisable to bring valuable articles (life expensive watches or fountain pens) to school. If lost, the school is not responsible for it.
  • DPS provides education from Nursery to Class XII. Therefore, it is expected that the juniors be treated with love and affection, while the juniors show all respect to their seniors.
  • No student is allowed to visit any of the kiosks situated outside the school, and if found doing so, he will be subjected to punishment
  • Vaccination record must be provided at the start of the year, if the child is not completely immunized
  • Canteen facility is available only at break time or after the school hours. If there is an emergency, children can avail this facility with the permission slip from the teacher concerned.


A student comes to school in improper uniform First time- warning and parental contact
Leaving the campus without proper permission First time – warning and parental contact
Damaging school property Once a written statement of the damage is obtained, the cost of the item/s will be
assessed by the Maintenance Department and the cost along with a fine of QR. 100/- will be
imposed on each of the student/s involved. Any repetition will lead to notifying
parents/suspension or expulsion from the school.
  • In the classroom with the teacher
  • Disturbing the class
  • Disobeying instructions from In charge in the bus
  • Shouting loudly and behavingrudely in the school premises
The parents will be called to the school and the student will be advised at the first
instance. If the student is found repeating the same he/she will be placed under
(a) Fighting in the school premises/bus

(b) Misbehaving/fighting/ bullying

/using abusive language etc. in the bus

he student/s shall be placed under suspension for a period of one week.No attendance would be given to a student during period of suspension.

If a student is found indulging in the same again he/she will be expelled from the

  • The school gate will close at 7.10 am
  • A note will be made in the almanac. if any student reaches late to school.
  • Three consecutive late arrivals would lead to the student being sent home.
  • Students should come neatly dressed to school.
  • Girls should plait their hair, if the hair length is below their shoulders and they should not wear any jewellery to school. However, they can wear a pair of small earrings.
  • Boys should get their hair cut at regular intervals.
  • There should be a name tag on blazers and sweaters.
  • Books, other than reference books, are issued for a week. Reference books are also issued to the students during weekend for two days. If the library books are
  • returned late without a valid reason, the borrowing facility will be withdrawn for two weeks.
  • Books marked, disfigured or damaged will have to be replaced or paid for by the borrower.
  • Check your ward’s almanac daily. Do sign the remarks if any and take necessary action.
  • Report cards (Nursery and Preparatory) should be signed and returned to the class teachers. If lost, a duplicate report card will be issued on payment of a fine of QR.50.
  • For classes I-XII, parents should regularly check their ward’s report on the website.
  • Prior permission needs to be taken, if you wish to take your ward from school during the school hours.
  • Fix up a prior appointment, in case you need to meet your ward’s teachers. In no case, the teachers should be disturbed during their classes. Hence, it is advisable that a note be written in your ward’s almanac, asking the teacher concerned, for a meeting, or the school office is called up to fix an appointment.
  • No class party (in case of birthdays) can be held during the school hours. No gifts/pastries/cakes/pizzas etc. should be sent to school for distribution among the students.
  • Train your ward to (especially for the Junior school students) show the remarks/requests made by you in the almanac to the teacher concerned.
  • Students who have been sick should bring a medical certificate from their doctor on the day of joining the school.
  • Parents should fill up the “Record for Non-Attendance” for each day the student is absent from school, stating the reasons for absence.
  • Students, who require medical attention during school hours, may bring it to the knowledge of the Class Teacher.
  • No one who has been absent on the previous day will be admitted to the class, without a letter from the parent, addressed to the Class Teacher, stating the reason for the absence.
  • Leave for going out of town should be approved prior to proceeding on leave.
  • Students suffering from the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine
    before returning to class

    • Chicken pox – Till complete falling of the scabs
    • Cholera – Till the child is completely well
    • Measles – Two weeks after the rash disappears
    • Mumps – Until the swelling has gone, about one month
    • Jaundice – Six weeks after recovery
  • Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than six consecutive days renders the student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls. Re-admission may be granted only on payment of a fresh admission fee.
  • It is compulsory for the students to complete 80% of the attendance in the academic session to make them eligible to sit for the final examination.
  • Request for any duplicate document will be issued on payment of QAR 50/-.
  • One clear calendar months’ notice in writing or a term fees (i.e transportation and tuition fees for the relevant term) in lieu of such a notice must be given. In no case, tuition fees (for the particular month), special fees, and admission fees will be refunded.
  • If a child, who is newly admitted into the school is withdrawn before the beginning of the academic session, only the admission fees will be forfeited from the fees deposited.
  • Special fee, admission fee, tuition fee and transportation fee for the month will not be refunded to a student who has attended even a day of an academic session but wishes to withdraw in between the session.
  • Transfer certificate will not be issued until all dues of the school are settled.
  • If the Transfer Certificate is lost or misplaced, new certificate will be issued on payment of QR. 50/-
  • Student can be asked to leave the school on the following grounds
    • Disciplinary ground
    • Unsatisfactory progress in academics
    • Detention or repeated detentions in class
  • Students are strictly prohibited from bringing mobile Phone or other electronic gadgets like iPad and iPod etc. to school.
  • If any student is found possessing any electronic gadget, the same will be confiscated and will not be returned.