
Event Details


The 7th Alumni Meet of DPS Modern Indian was held on 13 August 2020 via the digital platform Zoom. The meet was the first-ever ‘Online Meet’ which too echoed the same ‘Never Forget your Roots’. Alumni around the globe showed their eagerness to connect with their Alma mater by signing up in the meeting along with school management, dignitaries and teachers.

The program commenced with the anchors cherishing the nostalgic memories of the school life and introduced all past head boys and head girls to the audience. The evening unfolded a string of activities from instrumental to vocal, from dance to games, from memories to encouraging speeches. DPS Modern Indian School Quiz via Kahoot electrified the audience with enthusiasm.

The event was graced by the encouraging words of Vice President, Mr.Yasir Nainar, Principal Ms. Asna Nafees, Vice Principal Secondary School, Ms. Soma Bhattacharjee and Vice Principal Secondary School, Ms.Hyacinth Mary Cruz.The Head Girl Arya Vivek Kanade and The Head Boy Mohak Vaswani concluded the event by the vote of thanks right after the ‘Unveiling of the Alumni Newsletter”.
Let’s wait for the exuberant contribution from our dear alumni in the upcoming years and wish them all the very best in all their future endeavors commented the principal.