
Event Details


The 6th Alumni Meet of DPS-MIS was held on 17th December, 2019 in the School Auditorium with the motto ‘Never Forget Your Roots’ to emphasize the beauty of school life. It was evident in the way the alumni reunited with their teachers and friends, and regaled each other with stories of the wonderful time at school.
More than 80 Alumni attended the programme. They were enthusiastically introduced to the event by Mohok, Arsh and Laeba with passionate anecdotes concerning school life, followed by a thrilling Welcome Dance which energized the audience. A Tongue-Twister, which had to be repeated aloud by volunteering alumni, also added to the delight of the attendees. After a warm Welcome Speech by the Head Boy Faiz Asim Mohinuddin, Arya and Thuslim got the audience on their toes with the ‘Guess the Song Challenge’. This was followed by the Alumni News Broadcast, with a humorous twist by Gandharv and Apekshith, highlighting the ‘noteworthy’ events at school.

After that , a game of Dumb Charades was conducted to enchant the audience. The Principal, Ms. Asna Nafees’s speech highlighted the positive growth of the students in various fields and wished the alumni the very best in their future endeavors. The Group Dance was a spectacle of talent and energy that succeeded in rocking the audience. To make memories Alumni were called for a Photo Shoot. A game of Antakshari, followed by the DPSMIS Quiz, further delighted the attendees. The Open Floor for alumni gave them the opportunity to showcase their experiences and talents. This was followed by another dazzling Group Dance to bid goodbye to the Alumni. The Meet formally concluded with the Vote of Thanks by the Head Girl, Advaita Manikandan Nair.
It was indeed a memorable evening for the alumni, teachers and students, and the Meet fulfilled its purpose of reconnecting the Alumni with their alma mater and for enabling them to give back to the school. The Principal was pleased with the success of Alumni Meet 2019.