
Event Details


The 5th Alumni meet of DPS Indian Modern Indian School was held on 22nd December 2018. The wonderful event provided an opportunity for old students and teachers to reunite and reminisce their experiences.
Around 150 students of reputed universities from abroad and India attended the meet along with school authorities and dignitaries. After the welcome speech by school head boy Rohit Chari, the event unfolded an array of fun-filled activities that enthralled the entire audience. The power-packed cultural programs by the current students of grade 9-12 was well applauded. An interesting video montage of school activities of the current year was played. The fun games, Musical chair and Tug of War played between Alumni and DPS students helped them to interact with each other. A session of quiz related to DPS MIS made everyone ponder and answer with enthusiasm. The friendly match of Basket Ball played by the alumni and students enhanced the lively event. The event was concluded by vote of thanks by the school Head Girl Samiksha Arora, followed by scrumptious dinner.

The evening was indeed memorable and it really fulfilled the objectives of the committee to reconnect its Alumnus with their friends and teachers and strengthen the bonds with the alma matter. The Principal was pleased with the success of this well-attended Alumni meet.