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This portrait portrays an incredible junior doctor, Faid, who works in the Covid Assessment ward. A few days before Christmas this year, I had to return to hospital for a shorter stay than earlier in December. This time I was placed in the Covid assessment ward, before having other scans and procedures, as some symptoms I had overlapped with those of the virus. It was 22nd December, only 3 days before Christmas, and due to the circumstances, this time I was in a side room alone.

I thankfully tested negative for Covid, but it gave me a tiny glimpse of the isolating circumstances those with Covid face in hospitals. Again, however, the NHS staff who came into my room were beacons of light in my lonely side room. This portrait portrays a junior doctor, who, three days before Christmas, sacrificed his own and his family’s health for mine. He didn’t know if I had Covid or not. He stepped by my side to do the Covid test and held my hand, calmly guiding me through the tests, saying ‘you can shout at me or squeeze my hand, whatever helps.’ The sacrifice of this doctor echoes so many over the country, and world right now, and I feel blessed to have had such a kind and caring one sent to my room that day.

Alma Mater is proud of Dr. Faid who was appreciated by his patient for his service in a unique way. For more details check via the following link: