
Event Details


DPS Modern Indian School organized an online Alumni Talk event with Dr. Faid Khopekar, who is the former student of DPS-MIS from the batch 2013-14, on 1st August 2020.

The event commenced successfully by the hearty welcome by Principal Ms. Asna Nafees who explained in her speech the importance of giving back to the society which is also of our school motto “service before self”. Dr. Faid talked about his journey from when he was in school till the present. He talked about the medical school entrance qualifications along with the standardized examinations that are required. He mentioned the difference between the traditional and modernized methods of teaching. The differences between the medical courses available in the United States, India and the United Kingdom. The importance of co-curricular activities as well as the vitality of teamwork. The different changes which are experienced when going abroad and how to overcome them, the importance of passion in this field of work and the varieties of occupations available through this field were explained. At the end of his consultation, Dr. Faid answered the questions from the aspiring students present in the session.

Overall, Dr. Faid Khopekar’s insight into the field of medicine and various career opportunities present in India and abroad was a truly inspirational and sensational event.