
Career in DPS-MIS


A background in education is essential, and a good candidate for a teaching position will have taken higher education classes in the fields of psychology, child development, school teacher education, classroom management, and curriculum.

Vacancy Status

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Being a successful teacher requires extraordinary levels of patience, enthusiasm, creativity, and, above all, a love of childhood education. A teacher must understand the needs of both the children and their parents. As the link between home and school, communicating effectively with parents is crucial to developing a good relationship with the children and helping them grow. Also, children develop and learn at very different speeds, so it’s important to be extremely patient with those who are having difficulty. A good teacher creates an encouraging atmosphere in which all students support each other.

Classroom Management

Managing a classroom full of young children can be very challenging. You have to gain the respect of the children without scaring them. You want to be their friend but also want them to treat you as an authority figure just as they would their parents. A successful teacher is able to control a classroom while always keeping things educational and fun. Organization is extremely important. Even though a classroom may look messy, there should always be an underlying organizational theme tied to education--or else it’s just a playpen. Creating a welcoming, engaging environment in which the children can learn while playing is essential.


Above all, to be successful DPS-MIS teacher, you should really believe in what you are doing. You should care tremendously about the progress and well-being of each and every child in the classroom. Teaching in different levels can be tiring and stressful, but it is also incredibly rewarding in the end. You should always do your best to encourage children and foster their learning

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